Station Eight, No Room at the Inn

No Room at the Inn - 29410 Lincoln Rd.  Bay Village, OH 44140

 Song - "Do You Have Room?"  by Eclipse 6

Our calendars are largely open.  The public square is empty.  Travel plans are off.  Parties are cancelled.  But our minds are full with racing thoughts and anxieties.  What if I get sick?  What if I get someone else sick?  Should I wear a mask?  Is it safe to have my parents come for dinner?  Will my children suffer from being out of school?  etc. etc. etc

Where is the space for Jesus?  There is still "no room in the inn."

Mary and Joseph were not looking for a five-star hotel room.  They would have happily accepted a ramshackle room.  So too, God is happy to come into our messy and ramshackle hearts and minds, we just need to keep the door open to him.  

Invite him into your anxieties.  Share your fears with him.  Don't isolate yourself from God.  Invite him into your bubble.  


Dear Jesus, I'm excited for your arrival!  My heart and home are a mess right now, but they are warm and I've saved a place for you.  Please come soon!  


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